География: Лондон. Персоналии: Wilson Thomas. Годы: 1822.

Mr Wilson, Teacher of Dancing, though so well known to the Public, still feels the necessity of an Advertisement, in hopes of increasing his Pupils, and improving his finances; for although he has had Eighty-six Public BALLS, danced at Twenty-four different Theatres (including Five years at the Opera House) taught almost innumerable Ladies and Gentlemen and Children, having qualified upwards of Thirty persons to become Professors, besides occasionally giving instructions to nearly One Hundred more, having Ten Professional Apprentices, and written more than Ten works on Dancing, besides several Dramatic pieces; having also invented Six new species of Dancing, having now open Four Academies for Dancing, at different parts of the town, which he superintends personally, and where he continues occasionally to teach in Twenty-five different departments of the Art; he has yet his fortune to make; but as he still hopes of keeping his carriage (so requisite to professional eminence) he is determined, in order to facilitate so desirable an object, to be always at home, to give lessons privately (if required) at any time, at his residence Old Bailey; or at his Western, Central or Northern Academies; he considers it only candid towards other Professional persons in general, to say that he cannot engage, like some Teachers, completely to qualify any one for the Ball Room in only a few Lessons; nor can he boast of the lowest prices.

Автор цитаты: Thomas Wilson

Источник: Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 24th March 1822, стр: ??

Цитата относится к: 1822 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1822 г.

Подобрал цитату: Paul Cooper

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