География: Ливерпуль и Лондон. Танцы: Вальс в два па, Галоп, Полька и Триплет. Годы: 1853.

The Triplet. A new dance comprising of the Galop, Valser and Polka. Dedicated, by permission, to Lady Constance Grosvenor by Edgar Webster. Price 3 p.

London: W. Almaine: and Co.
“This will prove a welcome invention to most dancers. ‘Thc wonder is that nobody made that discovery before!”—Mr. “’Webster’s Musical World.
” The music itself the both pretty and graceful.”—Bath Journal
“The Ttiptct is already peputar in Liverpool, Bath, Cheltenham, Clifton. & etc.”—Eddowe’s  Journal.


Источник: The Court Journal: Gazette of the Fashionable World, Literature, Music, and Fine Atrs, стр: 760

Цитата относится к: 1853 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1853 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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