География: Лондон. Танцы: Фигуры котильона. Годы: 1880-е.

But to return to the cotillon. Blanchie took me. It was quite small and a “ married woman’s” ball, which meant that very few girls were asked. Gerald Paget led it—I can’t remember who with, but I can distinctly recollect one figure, a Noah’s Ark with pairs
of all the animals that Noah had ever seen—and more besides! The man had to find the woman with the corresponding animal ; an enormous number of animals came my way and I was introduced to so many people that evening that my brain positively reeled.

Автор цитаты: Lady Selina Bianca Forbes

Источник: Memories and base details, стр: 58

Цитата относится к: конец 1880х г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1921 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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