Новый вальс

For the information of my country cousins I may also add that the new valse is danced on the sole of the foot, and that it is impossible to valse smoothly if you dance on the tips of your toes. The new valse consists of four straight steps, with a turn between the filth and sixth. Of course you do not take the four straight steps in a line, but work round with them, but if you were to “step it out ” as dancing meters say, that is the form it would take. The toes are hardly turned out at all—in fact the modern valse is the exact opposite of the minuet, where pointing the feet is of the first importance.


A new dance of an entirely different character has taken the place of  “The Boston.” This dance can be described briefly. The dancers slide three times one way as last and as far as ever their legs will let them, and then three times in the opposite direction. It is absolutely necessary for the enjoyment of this waltz that both parties shall move simultaneously