Пять вальсирующих принцев

but it was beautiful to see how for a long time, instead of scrambling, the live Princes took regular turns of being left out.

Приглашение на Тампет

“L’extréme felicité de Tempéter  avec vous “—this was the formula of invitation—the dance was the Tempete”

Замечательный новый танец

Last night we had very good funб dancing some wonderful new dances, going all about the house, promenading into dark rooms and odd corners of passages […]There was a funny figure when a lady and gentleman ran down the ladies’side holding a pocket-handkerchief by two corners, and the ladies were all obliged to duck under it, and afterwards up the gentlemen’s side, these being obliged to jump over it, and some of the leaps were strange enough.

Пробовала танцевать Целлариус-вальс

the Queen amused herself by trying the Cellarius Waltz and the Polka, with Countess Wratislaw

“Ноев ковчег” – фигура котильона

It was quite small and a “ married woman’s” ball, which meant that very few girls were asked. […] I can distinctly recollect one figure, a Noah’s Ark with pairs of all the animals that Noah had ever seen—and more besides! The man had to find the woman with the corresponding animal

Отзыв на музыку к новому танцу Триплет

The idea is certainly  both original and good, and likely to be popular. T

The music of Triplet

The music of Mr. Webster, of Chester And Liverpool, in not particularly attractive [].Still Mr Webster, deserves support and prise for having hit for  something novel in the way of dancing. The Polka is evidently intended for Belgravia and its thereabouts.

The Triplet. A new dance.

The Triplet. A new dance comprising of the Galop, Valser and Polka. Dedicated, by permission, to Lady Constance Grosvenor by Edgar Webster. Price 3 p.

Бал пэров в честь визита Георга IV

Бал немедленно был открыт рилом, за которым последовал контрданс, оба танца Его величество кажется наблюдал с большим удовольствием.

Reminiscences of a waltzer

Shortly afterwards, the quick, or Russian waltz, was introduced by the Emperor of the Russia into this country; and till superseded in some measure, within the last four years, by the Prussian galloppe, and still fashionable Polish mazurka, it has maintained its ascendancy.

Бал общества Royal Caledonian Hunt в честь визита короля Георга IV

Первый рил был исполнен на под мелодию Brechin Castle. Его Величество был помещен во второй сет и хлопал в ладоши в знак своего одобрения. Некоторое количество кадрилей танцевали во второй бальной зале.

Запутанный менуэт

Пока старый учитель танцев объяснял мне сложный менуэт и повернулся ко мне спиной, чтобы получше показать как исполнять поклон,

As Virgo’s retiring, and Libya’s advancing

As Virgo’s retiring, and Libya’s advancing; And Bartholomew-tide is the season for Dancing; Get your pumps and cash ready, and likewise remember; I commenced a New Season the First of September; At my well-known old quarters, Eighteen, Kirby-street; Where I’ll teach by the lesson – engage to complete; Either Adults or Children, no matter the …

...без названия...

Mr Wilson, Teacher of Dancing, though so well known to the Public, still feels the necessity of an Advertisement, in hopes of increasing his Pupils, and improving his finances; for although he has had Eighty-six Public BALLS, danced at Twenty-four different Theatres (including Five years at the Opera House) taught almost innumerable Ladies and Gentlemen …

Mr. Thomas Wilson, profanely called Tommy Wilson, the dancing-master

Close to St. Anne’s Church was the house of a celebrated character amongst us, both then and long afterwards.  We speak of Mr. Thomas Wilson, profanely called Tommy Wilson, the dancing-master, by his wicked pupils.  A good fellow was Tommy, although a strict disciplinarian in “teaching the young idea,” not “how to shoot,” but how …

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