Description of marriage of Marquis of Conti and Mademoiselle de Luce, Countess of Montafié

He being come, the king took the bride by the hand and began the dance. The Duke of Mercœur took the queen his sister, the Marquis of Conti the Princess of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise the Duchess of Nevers, and so the rest according to their degree. The king having danced three dances with the bride, sat down ‘devising’ with the Queen Mother, and the bride also returned to her place. The Queen Mother then retired to her chamber, accompanied by the two cardinals, leaving the rest of the lords and ladies every one in their place. After the old queen’s departure, the king began to dance rounds and brawls with the maids of honour, followed by the marquis and other lords, and by the marquis’s brethren. Having danced thus till four o’clock, the king departed.