Цитаты по году: XIX век
It has been I danced a “deux temps,” a “trois temps,” with a hop, and with the body perfectly rigid, until at the present time a mixture of the deux temps and the hop valse finds favour. The slow, Redowa valse, introduced in London in 1846 by Mr Coulon, sonpopular a few years ago has entirely gone out of fashion, and this season a lively spring waltz of the trois temps order, played in German music, obtains the sway. The waltz movement which it contains has enabled the cotillion to replace the old fashioned quadrille. The lancers is much more stylish—and the music is in greater variety —than the quadrille, and it is not likely that it will fall into disfavour for some years. The barn dance is gradually but surely usurping the ordinary schottische on account of the ease with which progression is made.
We dance nothing but the valse now in the suburbs, one set of lancers, perhaps, thrown in during the course of the evening.
People will waltz, even to polka, are-becoming a nation of waltzers, not of dancers. Programme of 18 or 24 dances three-fourths of them are waltzes, and quadrilles and the lancers
Новый вальс
For the information of my country cousins I may also add that the new valse is danced on the sole of the foot, and that it is impossible to valse smoothly if you dance on the tips of your toes. The new valse consists of four straight steps, with a turn between the filth and sixth. Of course you do not take the four straight steps in a line, but work round with them, but if you were to “step it out ” as dancing meters say, that is the form it would take. The toes are hardly turned out at all—in fact the modern valse is the exact opposite of the minuet, where pointing the feet is of the first importance.
бальная программа
The galop is said to be tread and buried. Last year it still survived at the foot of a programme when those who wished it could remain and have a clear floor; but this all past history, for the galop has died a natural Death. Two valse consecutively have prevailed awning late seasons, but the polka, danced very slowly, will break up this monotony. Quadrilles are struggling for existence, so are even the breeze, but the latter have become so modified as to be hardly recognisable. […] Opinions vary as to the Highland schottische – four bars of reel, – four bars of schottische, da capo.
A new dance of an entirely different character has taken the place of “The Boston.” This dance can be described briefly. The dancers slide three times one way as last and as far as ever their legs will let them, and then three times in the opposite direction. It is absolutely necessary for the enjoyment of this waltz that both parties shall move simultaneously
Придворный бал
The first thing was a quadrille; The next thing was a galop; After that there was a waltz ; We then departed,
Учили Королеву рилам
“we had great fun teaching H.M*. to dance reels; she could not at all manage the figure of 8 ; she never got back to her place in time, and “ one, two, three, hop,” was altogether above her comprehension, she being too dignified ever to hop on one foot”
Пять вальсирующих принцев
but it was beautiful to see how for a long time, instead of scrambling, the live Princes took regular turns of being left out.
Приглашение на Тампет
“L’extréme felicité de Tempéter avec vous “—this was the formula of invitation—the dance was the Tempete”
Замечательный новый танец
Last night we had very good funб dancing some wonderful new dances, going all about the house, promenading into dark rooms and odd corners of passages […]There was a funny figure when a lady and gentleman ran down the ladies’side holding a pocket-handkerchief by two corners, and the ladies were all obliged to duck under it, and afterwards up the gentlemen’s side, these being obliged to jump over it, and some of the leaps were strange enough.
Пробовала танцевать Целлариус-вальс
the Queen amused herself by trying the Cellarius Waltz and the Polka, with Countess Wratislaw
“Ноев ковчег” – фигура котильона
It was quite small and a “ married woman’s” ball, which meant that very few girls were asked. […] I can distinctly recollect one figure, a Noah’s Ark with pairs of all the animals that Noah had ever seen—and more besides! The man had to find the woman with the corresponding animal
Отзыв на музыку к новому танцу Триплет
The idea is certainly both original and good, and likely to be popular. T
The music of Triplet
The music of Mr. Webster, of Chester And Liverpool, in not particularly attractive [].Still Mr Webster, deserves support and prise for having hit for something novel in the way of dancing. The Polka is evidently intended for Belgravia and its thereabouts.
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