География: Великобритания. Танцы: Вальс-бостон и Техника шагов. Годы: 1880.


Our American friends are given to extremes in the pursuance of their dancing (says the Evening Standard). A short time since a fashion of waltzing called “The Boston”  was all the fashion. It was easy, and the reverse of fatiguing. It was not lively to the spectator, for it required close observation to see that the performers were dancing at all. Any one could do it. You simply stood up and put your arm round your partner’s waist, swayed your body in the slightest degree In accordance with the tune, and very occasionally moved your feet. It was calculated that in half an hour you would make a tour of the room. A new dance of an entirely different character has taken the place of  “The Boston.” This dance can be described briefly. The dancers slide three times one way as last and as far as ever their legs will let them, and then three times in the opposite direction. It is absolutely necessary for the enjoyment of this waltz that both parties shall move simultaneously

Источник: Kentish Independent - 28 August 1880

Цитата относится к: 1880 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1880 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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