География: Великобритания. Танцы: Highland schottische, Галоп, Кадрили и Полька. Годы: 1882.

The galop is said to be tread and buried. Last year it still survived at the foot of a programme when those who wished it could remain and have a clear floor; but this all past history, for the galop has died a natural Death. Two valse consecutively have prevailed awning late seasons, but the polka, danced very slowly, will break up this monotony. Quadrilles are struggling for existence, so are even the breeze, but the latter have become so modified as to be hardly recognisable. All energy has departed, figures are stripped, as far as possible, of the poetry et motion; and the curtsey, which a young lady reibtareed with such care, is banished to the provinces, for there is absolutely no room for such a display in a London drawing-room. To attempt a graceful salute would be to “collide,” as the Americans say, with are of the neighbouring couples. Opinions vary as to the Highland schottische – four bars of reel, – four bars of schottische, da capo. Some people are terribly afraid of being natural, and unquestionably the Scotch reel is genuine child of nature, a very pleasant, lively child too. There are ladies whose social position is too well assured for them to trouble themselves as  to adverse criticism; in their ball-rooms the Highland schottische is certain to be seen at least twice in the evening

Источник: Woolwich Gazette - Saturday 11 February 1882

Цитата относится к: 1882 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1882 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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