География: Париж. Танцы: Bransle. Персоналии: Генрих III (король Франции). Годы: 1581. Периоды: Ренессанс.

17 Dec. 1581.—Sunday morning, between six and seven o’clock, the Marquis of Conti was married to Mademoiselle de Luce, Countess of Montafié. The Cardinal of Bourbon, his uncle, said Mass and married them. There were present the Queen Mother, the Duchess of Nevers, and M. de Guise also. They were married in a little chapel in the Louvre, adjoining the cardinal’s chamber. Between twelve and one in the afternoon the Dukes of Guise, Nevers, and Mercœur, and the Prince of ‘Jenaveuse’ [qy. Genevois] departed from the Louvre, to bring the marquis there, to the king’s chamber, where the Cardinal his uncle and the Cardinal of Guise received him, and brought him to the king’s cabinet, being welcomed by his Majesty ; from whence, by way of the privy stairs, the marquis with the cardinals and the aforesaid princes followed the king, descending into the Queen’s chamber, where the bride was standing beside the Queen Mother, beneath the Princess of Lorraine, above the Duchesses of Guise, Mercœur, and Joyeuse. When they had stayed there half-an-hour, ‘devising’ and entertaining one another, the king took the bride by the hand and led her into the lower hall where the table was covered, accompanied by the Queen Mother, the queen his wife, with the aforesaid princesses, and great ladies ; the king being first set, and the Queen Mother placed on his right hand, and the young queen on his left. Then at the end of the table, by the young queen, the bride was made to sit ; the Princess of Lorraine sat by the Queen Mother, and the other princesses according to their estates. The king at this banquet was served in state, in this order. The Duke of Nevers served as carver, the Duke of Mercœur as cup-bearer, the Duke of Guise came before the king’s meat, which is his state as Great Master. The banquet being ended, the king went with the queens, together with the bride, and followed by the rest of the princesses, lords and ladies, into the upper hall, where they danced, after the king had taken his place ; his mother on his right, his wife on his left, on the Queen Mother’s right the Princess of Lorraine, and below her the bride. On the other side, by the king’s wife, sat the Princess of Condé, and then the ladies in their degree, one over against the other. Having thus rested half an hour, the Marquis of Conti came up, following the two cardinals, together with his two younger brothers, with M. de Joyeuse, who brought the marquis to the king. He being come, the king took the bride by the hand and began the dance. The Duke of Mercœur took the queen his sister, the Marquis of Conti the Princess of Lorraine, the Duke of Guise the Duchess of Nevers, and so the rest according to their degree. The king having danced three dances with the bride, sat down ‘devising’ with the Queen Mother, and the bride also returned to her place. The Queen Mother then retired to her chamber, accompanied by the two cardinals, leaving the rest of the lords and ladies every one in their place. After the old queen’s departure, the king began to dance rounds and brawls with the maids of honour, followed by the marquis and other lords, and by the marquis’s brethren. Having danced thus till four o’clock, the king departed. So they went to Bourbon chapel for evensong. Endd. 1¼ pp. [France VI. 75.]

Автор цитаты: Henry Cobham

Источник: Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

Цитата относится к: 1581 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1907 г.

Подобрал цитату: Кондратенко Ростислав Игоревич

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