География: Лондон. Танцы: Вальс, Вальс-бостон и Техника шагов. Годы: 1884.

Valsing is a very pretty just now. It is graceful and quiet but neither too quick not too slow. The old days in which a man dawdled about the room holding his partner as if he were playing the banjo are quite departed: probably they owe their death-blow to Mr. du Maurier’s caricatures. Neither is reversing carried to excess; it is considered bad style to reverse unless it is to get out of a crowd. The lady should let her arm lie quite loose so that her partner can hold it out at its full length when he wants to get s sweep round in reversing, or bend it heck suddenly when he is getting into s crowd. For the information of my country cousins I may also add that the new valse is danced on the sole of the foot, and that it is impossible to valse smoothly if you dance on the tips of your toes. The new valse consists of four straight steps, with a turn between the filth and sixth. Of course you do not take the four straight steps in a line, but work round with them, but if you were to “step it out ” as dancing meters say, that is the form it would take. The toes are hardly turned out at all—in fact the modern valse is the exact opposite of the minuet, where pointing the feet is of the first importance.

The Boston dip is very different from the English valse. It is danced a great deal by the New York and Boston belles. Nobody can do it who is not a complete mistress of the art of reversing, as more then two turns are never taken in the same direction. Six steps complete s turn towards the right, sand six steps are immediately taken the reverse way towards the left. In Boston it is generally danced by two ladies together and is said to have been invented expressly for showing off the dresses.”

Источник: Norfolk news. 28 Jun 1884

Цитата относится к: 1884 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1884 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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