Цитата: Отзыв на музыку к новому танцу Триплет
The Triplet is somewhat of a novelty in dance music, combining of one piece the Grosvenor Galop, the Sutherlend Valse a deux temps, the Belgravia Polka, which the author, Mr Edgar Webster, the well-known maitre de dance of Chester and Liverpool, intends to form one varied and animated dance during the forthcoming season. The idea is certainly both original and good, and likely to be popular. The music of the various dances is pleasing and lovely, but we like the valse best as it is exceedingly spirited and the tune well-marked. Plain directions for the due performance of the dance will be given with the music.
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Источник: the Musical World, Том 31, стр: 600
Цитата относится к: 1853 г.
Дата первой найденной публикации: 1853 г.
Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)