География: Лондон. Танцы: Авторские права, Вальс и Котильон. Годы: 1859.

Dearest Papa— . . . We danced last night till twelve; then shook hands, wished each other Happy New Years, and good-nights-—and then went to bed, very cool and placid, for a more unexciting evening it would have been impossible to conceive . . . a little interlude by the Royalty only, of four couples circling round an odd man (also Royal), at a particular moment the music changed, a waltz struck up, the couples separated, and the odd man tried to catch a lady in the scramble ; but it was beautiful to see how for a long time, instead of scrambling, the live Princes took regular turns of being left out.

Автор цитаты: Hon. Eleanor Stanley

Источник: Twenty years at court, from the correspondence of the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, maid of honour to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, 1842-1862, стр: 342

Цитата относится к: 1859 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1916 г.

Подобрал цитату: Алина Логвиненко (Файзганова)

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