География: Лондон. Танцы: Reel, Контрдансы и Французская кадриль. Годы: 1815.

In 1814, the dances at Almack’s were Scotch reels and the old English country-dance; and the orchestra, being from Edinburgh, was conducted by the then celebrated Neil Gow. It was not until 1815 that Lady Jersey introduced from Paris the favourite quadrille, which has so long remained popular. I recollect the persons who formed the very first quadrille that was ever danced at Almack’s: they were Lady Jersey, Lady Harriet Butler, Lady Susan Ryder, and Miss Montgomery; the men being the Count St. Aldegonde, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Montague, and Charles Standish. The “mazy waltz” was also brought to us about this time; but there were comparatively few who at first ventured to whirl round the salons of Almack’s; in course of time Lord Palmerston might, however, have been seen describing an infinite number of circles with Madame de Lieven. Baron de Neumann was frequently seen perpetually turning with the Princess Esterhazy; and, in course of time, the waltzing mania, having turned the heads of society generally, descended to their feet, and the waltz was practised in the morning in certain noble mansions in London with unparalleled assiduity.

Автор цитаты: Rees Howell Gronow

Источник: Reminiscences of Captain Gronow

Цитата относится к: 1815 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1862 г.

Подобрал цитату: Юрий Чернышов

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