География: Лондон. Танцы: Reel, Вальс, Контрдансы и Французская кадриль. Персоналии: Wilson Thomas. Годы: 1828. Периоды: Романтизм.

As Virgo’s retiring, and Libya’s advancing;

And Bartholomew-tide is the season for Dancing;

Get your pumps and cash ready, and likewise remember;

I commenced a New Season the First of September;

At my well-known old quarters, Eighteen, Kirby-street;

Where I’ll teach by the lesson – engage to complete;

Either Adults or Children, no matter the age;

In the various Ball Dances – Instruct for the Stage;

Then I’ve lots of New Figures, composed with some skill;

For the Reel, Country Dance, for the Waltz and Quadrille;

And can furnish new steps for the toes or the heels;

From the Walk to the Caper – From Minuets to Reels;

Only bring me the Needful, and give me the chance;

And you’ll find that T. Wilson will soon make you dance

Автор цитаты: Thomas Wilson

Источник: Morning Chronicle, 8th September 1828, стр: ??

Цитата относится к: 1828 г.

Дата первой найденной публикации: 1828 г.

Подобрал цитату: Paul Cooper

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